Mike Greenway K4PI at Bellsouth.net
Mon Jul 23 22:15:18 EDT 2018

I was lazy yesterday, Sunday , and did not send out a report.  It was a 
pretty good day with action in the morning and afternoon.  I did not 
keep track of everything. \

Today , Monday I did better.  Early on you could tell it wanted to open 
but never just wanted to do it.  Up near 11 local it started opening 
nicely and ran till up around 12:30 or 1.. Things heard  YO, DL, SM, G, 
GM, SP, EI, S5, LZ, OZ, HB, OH, CT, EA, SV More northern EU than I have 
seen this year.

There is a LY3W operating but DLs say he is using a remote from 
Germany.  He uses LOTW.  I am not sure if ARRL/DXCC is aware or cares.  
Seem the German FCC would not be happy about that, signing LY from 
German territory.  He was on today.

Somewhere up around 4 PM local the band opened back into EU.. Lots of I, 
HB9, HB0, CT, EA,G, DL,   Up around 6 the JAs came in. They at times got 
strong but went out by around 8.

Usually 6 is about gone this time of year so enjoy what is left.

73 Mike K4PI

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