Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Wed Jul 25 19:23:45 EDT 2018

It was relatively quiet today.  Around 11 AM I saw 5B4 and nothing else so decided to go out for lunch anyway.  Around 1 PM N3XX calls and says TA1BM called him while he was working I think an Italian.  Or maybe CQ but anyway he get the prize for the day.  I came home and listened and worked 5B4 but that was about it.

I have changed from WSJT over to JTDX as it has more options and I am convinced get more real decodes after doing a lot of testing.  I used JTDX back in the JT65 days as it was more sensitive at that time also.  N4RJ, KX4R are now using it and I think N3XX is going to give it a whirl..It does not have Fox / Hound mode but the are working on getting Hound mode.  I am staying with it for now until I see something better.  Along with the better sensitivity, it has total auto logging and update to LOTW>  You never have to click anything.  It just logs.  It has a filter that will filter out all decodes except the freq of the station you are working giving the computer more processing power.  You can select a station you think might show up, some rare DX, and it that station is seen by the decoder it will start calling Auto unless he is in QSO.  There are lots of other nice options that I don’t see in WSJT.  It works with JT ALert as well but there is a version for it different than WSJT but it transfers all of what you already have in JT ALert over auto. You can keep both WSJT and JTDX on you computer and decide which one you want to use each day.

There is another program MSHV out of LZ or I not sure which but have little info on that one.  It does have an option that is something like Fox/Hound but you use it just as you would in normal operation.  If several stations come back to your CQ it will answer them all I think up to 5 but not sure about the number.  73 Mike K4PI

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