[SESprint] Announcement: 2016 CW Open Contest

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon Jul 11 13:29:42 EDT 2016

Hello all:

Bruce Meier (N1LN) has taken on the responsibility to assist with the 
promotion of an upcoming worldwide CW event.  He asked if I would be 
willing to assist him in getting the word out to our club, which I 
quickly agreed to.  The following information was provided by Bruce.  If 
you have any questions please feel free to email him directly at: 
n1ln at arrl.net.

Have you ever heard of the CW Operators Club?   If not, it is a global 
organization that was founded in 2010 for the single purpose of 
promoting the use of CW.  There are currently 1256 members worldwide.  A 
few of the activities include hosting weekly on-the-air activities, 
provides CW training (known as CW Academy) and runs an annual CW Open 
contest.  For more about the club please refer to: 
http://www.cwops.org/     For more information about the CW Open please 
read on.

The CW Open is made up of (3) separate 4 hour events that all occur on 
the same day.  This year the event date is September 3, 2016.

Session 1 is from 0000 - 0400Z.

Session 2 is from 1200 – 1600Z.

Session 3 is from 2000 – 2400Z

All amateurs worldwide are invited to participate as you don’t need to 
be a CWOps club member.   There is only one category (Single Operator) 
and one mode (CW of course).   You also get to select your power 
category from QRP, Low Power to High Power.    The exchange is also 
quite simple and includes only your QSO number and name.   (ie:   25 
Bruce)    As the event sessions are standalone, please send your 
individual Carbrillo formatted submissions to http://www.b4h/net/cwops/. 
    NOTE:  Paper logs are not accepted.    Just a couple more facts. 
For a list of computer logging programs that support the CW Open please 
refer to:   www.cwops.org/cwopen/html.    Finally, many of us like to 
participate as a team member which is very popular for the CW Open.  For 
more info about team competition, including how to register your team, 
please refer to:  www.cwops.org/cwopen.html.

If you have questions please feel free to refer to the CW Operators 
website HOME page at http://www.cwops.org.   On the left side there are 
numerous buttons that will provide additional CW Ops information. One of 
them about mid-way down the list is the CW Open.   Should you have 
additional questions, please feel free to email me directly at: 
k4bai at att.net.

Finally – I hope to get you in my log for all 3 sessions and for many bands!


John, K4BAI

President, SECC

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