[W4HM Spaceweather] W4HM Discussion of Daily Solar Space And Geomagnetic Weather

Thomas F Giella W4HM w4hm at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Feb 28 09:53:11 EST 2013

For Wednesday February 27, 2013

Solar activity is low as far as the emergence of the number of new sunspot 
groups. Currently there are 3 new un-numbered sunspot groups and 4 existing 
numbered sunspot groups.

Solar activity is low as far as the number of solar flares, 2 occurred. The 
largest solar flare in magnitude was a very small in size B8.3, which 
occurred at approximately S18W05 and associated with sunspot group #11682.

The daily solar flux index (SFI) has been at or above 100 for 1 day, 
currently (NOAA) at 103.1.

The daily sunspot number (SSN) has been below 100 for 7 consecutive days, 
currently (NOAA) at 61.

The geomagnetic field has been inactive for 4 consecutive days with the Kp 
(planetary) index in the 0-2 range, which is quiet geomagnetic conditions. 
As collected by Potsdam Germany WDC the 3 hour Kp (planetary) intervals were 
1211001. As collected by NOAA/SWPC the 3 hour Kp (planetary) intervals were 

Via Kyoto U. the Dst ranged between +12 and -4.

Via SOHO and sollen.info the maximum and minimum solar wind values were 

Via NOAA the maximum background x-ray solar flux value was B2.0.

Via NOAA the energetic proton flux has fallen below (10+0).

For the latest solar, space & geomagnetic weather data go to 
http://www.wcflunatall.com/nz4o2.htm . For an explanation of how the above 
indices affect MF, HF and VHF radio wave propagation go to 
http://www.wcflunatall.com/nz4o5.htm .

To subscribe to the W4HM Daily MF/HF/6M Radio Wave Propagation Forecast 
Subscription Service go to http://www.wcflunatall.com/propagation.htm or 
http://www.solarcycle24.org .

73 & GUD DX,
Thomas F. Giella, W4HM
Lakeland, FL, USA
w4hm at tampabay.rr.com

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