OMNI VI keyer problems

Bob Hirsch
Wed, 7 Aug 1996 07:51:40 -400

To the collective experience of the group:

I am having two problems with the built-in keyer in my OMNI VI.

1.)  The keyer display, (after hitting "ST" and then "CW") flickers, so I 
can't tell what speed is set.  I don't just mean flickers between two 
values when the knob needs tweaking, I means all the segments on the 
LED flicker.

2.)  The acutual keyer speed sometimes changes spontaeously by itself 
to some odd value, usually very high, around 35-40 wpm.

After speaking with T/T they said to try to tighten everything on the 
controller board.  I did this and it was fixed for a couple of days, 
but now it's back.  T/T advised me send the radio back to it's 
birthplace for repair, and I will if I have to, but I just wanted to 
know if any of you have had this problem and what the fix was.  
Anybody out there able to resolve this themselves?

73 de Bob, AA3ON

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