Fwd: End of the Line?
Steve Ellington
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 08:33:57 -0400 (EDT)
> As long as Ten-Tec offers a broad range of products in all price
> classes and continues it's fine tradition of customer service, it
> will prosper. And now that Heathkit is a memory, the move to
> capitalize on the void with its T-T kits is sound. Ten-Tec must
Good thinking Jim. I think TenTec needs to really really go whole hog into
the kit business. The expensive transceiver market is almost impossible to
compete against. Perhaps their approach to the market should emphasize the
simplicity of their equipment .
What I would like to see TenTec make is a simple 100w cw rig. Theres bound
to be a market out there for this. Concentrate on attaining perfect
keying, smooth qsk, sharp filtering. Make the unit BIG with plenty of room
inside. Continue using large boards and shun any idea of SMT devices. Make
it as big as a 75A-4. Put a huge S meter on it and a giant, heavy, smooth
turning tuning knob. Put several size key jacks on the front. Maybe even
higher power. Microprocessors are a nuicance for us. Lets go back to a
simpler approach and limit the processor to frequency control only or make
a better pto and forget the u-p altogether.
How about a little cw transmitter kit to match their little receiver. Does
everyone require a transceiver these days or could we still function with
seperate rx and tx? The tx kit could have a built in TR switch for the
Any other suggestions?
Steve Ellington N4LQ@IGLOU.COM Louisville, Ky