[TenTec] For Sale Ad on Web

Steve Sacco KC2X kc2x@inspace.net
Thu, 14 Aug 97 21:19:43 -0500

All -

I found the following at: http://webcom.com/webpub/class.html

I'm just passing it along, and have no relationship with the seller.

Ten- Tec Omni VI

Ten-Tec Omni VI, all optional filters, also has the 500 Hz 9 Mhz if cw
filter, includes the 962 speaker/power supply, manual, in excellent
condition, one year old and original owner, $1800. 757-824-3292, 5-11 PM EDT
. brantley.e.furness.1@gsfc.nasa.gov.    Posted 08-12-97 

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