[Fwd: Re: [TenTec] DSP & COMPUTER NOISE]
Steve Ellington
Steve Ellington" <n4lq@iglou.com
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 21:44:34 -0400
I figure two .01uf caps in series equals .005uf or 5000pf and that's more
than enough capacitance to easily provide a low reactance path for the
frequencies in question. Lead inductance would play an important role in the
uhf spectrum but would be almost nil for HF. It's hard to understand why
power supply manufactures don't spend a few cents on these but It all adds
up in component cost. I recall Johnson transmitters of old having caps and
chokes in a pi arrangement at the power cord entrance inorder to revent TVI.
>But lead inductance and thus HF leakage is less with only one capacitor
>rather than two in series. This ain't DC you are trying to bypass, its
>wide band RF and it takes all the RF tricks neclecting DC paths to
>accomplish quieting!
>73, Jerry, K0CQ
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