[TenTec] WTB: Models 240; 242; and 262G

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:58:57 -1000


Got lucky and found a fellow willing to part with his
Triton IV Digital,  Model 544; plans to move
on to an Omni VI+ with INRAD filtering.

Now I would like to find and buy the following which
go with the Triton 544:

1. Triton IV Remote VFO, Model 242

2.  Triton IV Power Supply,  Model 262G

3.  Triton IV 160 Meter Transverter,  Model 240

Should you have and might be willing to sell,  or know 
of a possible seller, I would greatly appreciate hearing 
from you.

Mahalo and 73,  Jim,  KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai

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