[TenTec] paralleling several dc supplies to increase I capability

Carl Hyde cshyde@yahoo.com
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 19:06:17 -0700 (PDT)

I have one or two suggestions.  Increase your fire
insurance policy to the replacement value of your home
then go seek professional electrical and psychological
help.  Power supplies are not batteries.  You run the
risk of unbalanced loads in each supply, harmonic
coupling from transformer quadrature, and without a
sophisticated current and voltage regulation system
you will never be able to balance the load to each
supply.  Sell some of them and buy a sufficient power
supply for your amp. I don't mean to be harsh on this
but it is a bad and dangerous idea. 

--- zeitler@ibm.net wrote:
> First of all let me start off by saying that I have
> added both boatanchors
> groups to this e-mail because the wealth of
> knowledge on these two groups is
> unparalleled. Please forgive me for having the nerve
> (or foolheadedness) to
> ask a question regarding solid state stuff on the BA
> list.
> Here is the scenario: Eventually I would like to add
> a solid state HF amp to
> the ham shack. I have numerous Ten Tec and Astron
> supplies. When paralled
> they should provide well over 160 amps btwn the 8
> supplies. I have two sides
> of the 240 in the shack so 4 supplies would be on
> one and the other four
> would be on the other so not all of them are on just
> one 120 volt line.
> What is the best method of paralleling and combining
> the outputs of these
> supplies so they are all getting the same current
> draw? I assume I need to
> ensure that the voltage accross the string of them
> is equalized.
> Ideas?
> Lane
> Ku7i
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Politics: From the Greek word Poli, meaning many and
the word tics, meaning blood sucking parasites.

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