[TenTec] paralleling several dc supplies to increase I capability

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. geraldj@ames.net
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 20:34:16 -0500

About the only way you will be able to parallel power supplies is if
they have essentially identical regulator circuits and essentially
identical regulator circuit gains, and truly effective current limiting.
That leaves out Tentec and Astron supplies. Astron supplies tend to self
destruct when operated alone, when paralleled its almost guaranteed.

There is some Astron data about using a couple supplies in series for 28
volt HF amplifiers (and 28 to 50 volts is a far more practical voltage
for solid state KW size amplifiers than 12 because of more reasonable
current and more reasonable collector load impedances). I think Astron
claims they can be paralleled. I'd expect smoke when paralleling the
same models even after making sure all the pass transistors were good in
both supplies, and I'd almost guarantee smoke paralleling different
models or more than two supplies.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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