[TenTec] "Disguising" Omni VI to look like a "PLUS"

Paul Christensen paulc@mediaone.net
Sun, 27 Jun 1999 19:04:37 -0400

How is this any different from the concealment of a simple modification that
was conducted on the radio?  In both instances, the ham is dead and nobody
knows about the change.  Used radios are sold all the time.  Used and
modified radios are sold all the time.  Caveat Emptor.

It's absurd to argue that the addition of a simple stencil to a radio that
the factory touts as the equivalent of an Omni Six Plus after their own
modification is fraudulent.  When I sent my Omni Six to the factory for an
option 3 upgrade, I was expecting, in reliance of their claims,......an Omni
Six Plus upon its return home.  This is exactly what I received, less the
stencil on the front panel.

-Paul, W9AC

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe L Blackwell <aa4nn@juno.com>
To: <paulc@mediaone.net>
Cc: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] "Disguising" Omni VI to look like a "PLUS"

> snip
> >is forthright and informs the prospective purchaser that he or she has
> >made such a change, no damage or injury has occurred: the two parties
> have reached a meeting of the minds.  It's only when the owner of a
> >modified Omni Six MISREPRESENTS the Omni Six as an Omni Six Plus
> >to the unknowing prospective purchaser that fraud becomes an issue.
> >
> >-Paul, W9AC
> Ok, so now the guy dies.  There's a fake Omni VI+ sitting on his desk
> and seeing as how the Ham is not there to misrepresent the Omni Six
> as an upgrade, there's no fraud.  Is that how I read this?
> de Joe AA4NN

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