[TenTec] Corsair II keyer problem

peter barville peter barville <g3xjs@qsl.net>
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 20:05:08 +0000

Many thanks to those who kindly replied to my original posting about the
problem I am experiencing with my Corsair's internal keyer.

Yes, I have tried re-seating the chip, and yes the dash contact of the
paddle *is* grounding pin 19 of the chip.

I am very disappointed not to have (so far) received any reply from Ten
Tec, but maybe I used the incorrect email address.  The only one I had
to hand was 'sales@tentec.com', but I would have thought they would have
transferred it locally if it went to the wrong people. Is there a better
email address for the techie (pardon the pun!) people?

I have had one suggestion that I should look at the capacitor (2.2uF) on
the reset line, which I've not yet had the chance to do.

Yesterday the keyer was almost fault-less throughout the day (apart from
two occasions when it burst into a string of uncontrollable dashes), but
today the dashes failed twice during qso's - as well as another bout of
'string of dashes'.

Thanks again for your interest and assistance ..
72, peter g3xjs

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