[TenTec] Re: [TEN-TEC] Re: [TEN-TEC] Gatlinburg blues ...
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 19:52:18 -0700
The problem of having one supply fail is easily solved. Simply have each
power supply also be powering a relay that completes the B+ connection for
the alternate power supply to the amp. That way if Power Supply A dies then
it de- energizes the power to it's relay which disconnects Power Supply B's
B+ line to the Amp. Likewise the same for the alternative power supply.
Total redundancy.
Gerald C Totten wrote:
> George,
> I had two identical RS-35 supplies. I set them (internal pot) to 13.80
> with a FLUKE 8060A and connected them in parallel. They seemed to share
> the load just fine. The HERCULES II has four identical RF amplifiers in
> it that are powered by eight separate power leads. Four red and four
> black that come out via the back connector. The 9420 has four
> independent 14 volt power supplies that are connected to the amplifier
> modules in the HERCULES II. This has caused some problems. If one power
> supply fails, only one RF amplifier shuts down. If you continue to
> operate you can burn out parts in the power combiners. There is really
> no way to tell if you have lost one power supply so I know of guys who
> have damaged the amplifier due to a bad power supply or connector.
> Jerry K8JRO
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