[TenTec] Re: Flamed by the Factory?

n4lq@iglou.com n4lq@iglou.com
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 07:51:53 -0500

Thanks for your support. Due to my limited vocabulary, I have no idea 
what you're trying to say but I'm glad you appreciate good reading. 
-----Original Message-----
From: "Ben K8DIT" <benk8dit@serv.net>
To: "Steve Ellington" <N4LQ@igLou.com>, "Tim Randa" <tranda@cox.net>, 
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 22:43:49 -0800
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re: Flamed by the Factory?

> Steve,  I've been reading your posts for the entire two years Ive been
> subscribed. Ive also read your posts from the archives. You are the
> archetypal ham purist. Your word is truth and light. You must be the
> quintessential essence of ham radio operator that we all look to for an
> opinion. Yet some of what you have to say is pure crap.
> Im sure you dont intend to deliver much of the latter, but Ten Tec is
> not
> making radios for just you. As hard as that might be to fathom, once
> one has
> read a few months of your opinion, it is predictable, repetitious, and
> I
> think I hear microchirps coming from them. How do you do that?