[TenTec] eham centurion 0 review
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 15:30:41 -0400
When QST does a review of a piece of equipment they use it before they
write the review. I have read a lot of reviews where the author reported
that the piece of equipment had to be returned to the vendor because there
was something that didn't meet specs. Sometimes the author of the review
will correct the problem and then report about it in the review. Sometimes
the vendor can't or won't correct the problem.
Can you imagine this so-called review, that appeared on eham, appearing in
QST? Never going to happen. I applaud the eham folks for removing this
so-called review. It wasn't a review by any stretch of the imagination. It
was a report that a product this person ordered from TenTec arrived in
non-working order, not a report on the Centurion.
73..de John/K4WJ
At 07:53 AM 6/27/02 -0400, Jon Maguire wrote:
> There are two things that I learned from this thread:
>1. NEVER write critical things on a reflector about a "beloved" company,
>product or service
>2. The writing in question IS a review (look at the dictionary at
>www.dictionary.com ,
>3. To examine with an eye to criticism or correction: reviewed the
>research findings.
>4. To write or give a critical report on (a new work or performance, for
>a. A report or essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance.
>BTW My Jupiter is a fine radio, but certainly not top of the line.
>73... Jon Maguire W1MNK
>Brandon, FL 33511 USA
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73..de John/K4WJ
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