[TenTec] Orion Preview

Warren J. Walsh warrenw@pentek.com
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:52:17 -0500

At 17:13 3/5/02 -0500, you wrote:

>Information on the Orion transceiver is now posted to the
>Ten-Tec web site.  The URL is www.tentec.com/TT565.htm
>Please note that if you go to the Ten-Tec main page at
>www.tentec.com that nowhere does a link appear for Orion
>info - at present you've got to enter the URL directly.
>We'll change that in a few days.
>The text that appears on the Orion is the same that we will be
>bringing as product literature to distribute at the Charlotte
>hamfest this coming weekend.
>Of course, the information on the Orion is going to bring up an
>endless series of questions about the new radio.  There are not a
>whole lot of answers about specifics to be provided.  Like 'how
>does this work', 'will this control do this, what's the range of this'
>- implementation issues like these are still yet to be worked out.
>Please note, the feature listing for the radio is by no means complete.
>We've just touched on some of the highlights of what the new rig has
>to offer.  Keep in mind all of this is subject to change.
>There's no picture of the rig at present, as the cosmetics are still
>subject to change.  Given the proliferation of digital cameras, I am
>sure pictures of the prototype rig that we'll be showing at Charlotte
>will make it to the web next week.  We'll wait until everything is
>finalized before releasing a photo of our own.
>There is no specification sheet included - while we do have specific
>design goals for Orion in mind, we didn't want to publish a preliminary
>spec data page only to find that the actual numbers exceed the
>design goals.   We'll have specifics in time for Dayton.
>Scott Robbins, W4PA
>Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec

Wow!  Finally real DSP processing power (can you tell I'm spoiled by my 
job?)!   This sounds like it'll be one fine radio!  Can't wait to see and 
hear it.

Warren Walsh - K2BM

Pentek - Your source for DSP and Digital Receiver Boards.
Warren J. Walsh (warrenw@pentek.com) Pentek, Inc.
Design Engineer                      One Park Way
Phone: (201) 818-5900 x 251          Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
Fax:   (201) 818-5941                http://www.pentek.com/