[TenTec] these paddles r great!
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:44:53 -0400
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Thanks, guys, for your help in chosing cw paddles for my wheelchair mobile
ham station. i bought the Mini Palm Paddles from Palm Radio.
http://www.mtechnologies.com/palm/ . they r fantastic. as big as a Pez
candy dispense and the paddles slide in the case when not in use. tiny,
made in Germany, $69 and well worth it. If u r looking for great paddles
for portable cw, these r the ones!
Bob, KZ2G --- 10-10 # 10148
Omni 6 Plus (Base) & FT-100D (Wheelchair Mobile), C U on CW!
See my Ham web at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/kz2g.htm
Check out my Art Sale at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/Artpage1.htm
- Previous message: [TenTec] WORTH READING - N7JI selling almost everything - THP-750, keys,
paddles, keyers, VHF, QRP, HF, filters, service monitor, HTs, batteries,
ANC-4, accessories, antennas, lots more
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