[TenTec] TT 238B ?s...

John Clifford johnclif at ix.netcom.com
Fri Oct 17 19:21:24 EDT 2003


I picked up one of these as a demo from Ten-Tec several months ago to
accompany my Centaur and just set it up.

The meter isn't working so it is impossible to tune without using an
additional external SWR meter.  Any ideas on what to check if I can't find
any loose wires (this thing can't be that complicated)?  I note that the
meter looks slightly askew also... I've seen this as a complaint and will
most likely fix it while I'm inside.

I have been playing around with it, comparing it to my LDG AT-11MP autotuner
(settings and ability to tune, not features) using an Autek RF-1 analyzer.
>From what I understand, both the LDG and 238 are L-tuners, which means they
have one optimum setting... is this right?

The Autek unit shows me capacitance and inductance as well as reactance and
SWR.  The simple way to tune would be to select the desired frequency and
then, following the 238's instructions, flip/rotate/crank until the SWR is
as low as possible... and I can do that.  But, is there a better way given
that I can measure the antenna's capacitance and inductance directly?  Can I
not 'dial out' these using the capacitor and inductor controls on the 238
(obviously measuring with the analyzer)?  I've tried this and it doesn't
work... tuning via minimum SWR seems to be the only viable strategy.

I'm trying to understand antennas, and tuners, and the 238, and the RF-1 a
little better.  Any help would be appreciated.

Also... has anyone had any experience with the new LDG 1000w PEP autotuner?
Does anyone think there would be a market for a full-gallon autotuner that
went for around $1200 or so?


 - jgc

John Clifford KD7KGX

Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2/KPA100
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1
Alinco DR-605TQ
Icom T90A

email: kd7kgx at arrl.net

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