[TenTec] Titan 425 for sale

Dennis Wood denniswood at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 24 11:33:08 EDT 2003


I recently purchased a group of radios, 2 amplifiers and lots of misc. equipment from a young man who's dad has Alzheimer's and needed to be put into full time care. Among the items I bought was a Ten Tec Titan 425 amp. I had never seen one before, and didn't really know what I owned so I began to find out all I could about it. I found this site and subscribed to it, and have been keeping up with the daily postings. I wrote Todd, KD7EFQ after finding he had recently purchased one, and Greg, K7KJ, attempting to buy a manual he had listed some months ago, and ended up buying a manual and a high voltage cable directly from Ten Tec. Both men were very helpful, and I appreciated their quick response to my query. I have sweated blood wondering if this amp was indeed a good one, I about fainted when I found out how much tubes were, but am happy to report that I plugged everything in, checked and double checked all the instructions in the manual, and am happy to report that the amp. does just as it should. I have no info. as to tube ages or hours used, but everything I bought so far has been in excellent condition. I want to keep the Yaesu FT-767 that was a part of this deal, but cannot afford or justify keeping as fine an amp as the Titan is. I have a Heathkit SB221 that does all I need, I'm content to "rag chew" on occasion. 

The reason I have gone into such detail describing how I acquired this amp is because I see how suspicious some are toward sellers. I understand, this is not a small purchase. I have to say that I was thankful that Todd was able to sell his Centurion. 

I'm offering this amp for sale for $1350.00 plus shipping & insurance. I will of course include a "brand new" manual, and high voltage cable. Hi Hi! I suspect that selling this amp will be one of my deep regrets during future conversations on the radio, but really don't have a choice. I will be happy to answer all questions honestly and as intelligently as I can, and will provide plenty of pictures, etc. Please e-mail me directly with questions, or feel free to call at 505-598-1441.

73 & 75 de Dennis Wood, KD5SZW

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