[TenTec] High Tech, Low Power,& DX (My ARGO V)

Larry Greenberg N5BEA larrylg1 at excite.com
Wed Aug 4 22:29:50 EDT 2004

Well, I would like to hear about how things work in the real world before I plunk down money for a mini beam and rotator.   I find my new ARGO V to be a spectacular little radio. I like the idea that I can control it with a PC....  And to think, I could have bought a 100 watt Japanese Rig for $300 less....  I have it hooked to 70 foot inverted V with a trap on each leg. It's going into a TT tuner.  I have it in a tree about 30 Feet in the air fed by 450 ohm ladder long.   I have made East Coast and West Coast contacts; as well as Canada and The Cook Islands, all with 5x9 signal reports...So, ok.. I am looking a TGM Hybrid QUAD and TV rotator...   Gosh, is it worth $500? .. There are other ways to go.  Other beams  or much cheaper a little vertical or sloper....Whosoever works or has worked low power DX  or or uses small beams.  Please comment....  Perhaps some day there will be an Argo V Sweepstakes!!!Larry GreenbergN5BEA

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