[TenTec] Orion upgrade what am I doing wrong

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Fri May 21 06:52:55 EDT 2004

N4LQ wrote:

 >"Can't find C:\Orion\ORIONU~1.cfg. This could result from a corupted
computer download".

         Sounds like you are not even getting the file properly downloaded 
into your directory.  In your \Orion directory, right-click on OrionUpdate, 
then Properties > General > Size.  Mine says:

" Size: 882 KB (904,104 bytes), 917,504 bytes used "

I am using Win 98 also so I would expect to see exactly the same as above.

         If it were me, I would try one more time but using a different 
directory name, say TTOrion.  If after downloading, it still does not 
install when you double-click the .exe file, it's probably time to call 
Paul Clinton at Ten-Tec.

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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