[TenTec] Jupiter

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales at tentec.com
Tue Jan 18 10:00:31 EST 2005

At 02:52 PM 1/17/05 -0600, you wrote:

>Yet people like N4PY still seem to lots to improve. There is still much to
>be learned about DSP programming and new programming techniques are and
>functions not realizable in hardware are happening as we speak. All that
>aside it is Scott's comment or claim that I take exception to and his
>whining that his customers are not stupid and have observed that updates
>HAVE not recently been forth coming for these radios. Also TT and not I
>originated the "Last Radio" crap. It is just the pits when advertising
>claims come back to haunt you and your customers actually expect that you
>actually deliver on them.

I'll repeat what I said in my message of yesterday:

There has not been a firmware upgrade in the recent past on the Jupiter.
There is no firmware upgrade for the Jupiter that will immimently be released.
We have no plans to stop doing firmware upgrades on the Jupiter at this time.
We have no plans to discontinue the Jupiter or replace it with another model.

>You are correct that common sense rules, and it is
>also defiantly wise to some times just allow sleeping dogs to continue to
>sleep. If the limit of software improvement has indeed been reached then
>simply so state, or just ignore the whole issue but don't make statements
>that fly in the face of observed fact and annoy your customer base.

I will repeat:  "observed fact" is NOT the fact at hand.  The facts are:

There has not been a firmware upgrade in the recent past on the Jupiter.
There is no firmware upgrade for the Jupiter that will immimently be released.
We have no plans to stop doing firmware upgrades on the Jupiter at this time.
We have no plans to discontinue the Jupiter or replace it with another model.

>As to "What else is there", I will get back to you on that as soon as I
>finish changing the points in my spark gap transmitter. We are talking about
>an SDR who's functionality is limited only by the limits of the minds
>developing them. There is great potential here if only we can exploit it!
>Just compare the N4PY software to the pale by comparison TT offering.

That's not a valid comparison.

Carl Moreschi charges a yearly fee for updates and use of his software.

Ten-Tec charges nothing for firmware updates.  We also gave our GUI
package away for use with the Jupiter rather than charging extra for the
software.  Remember, the GUI was developed for the Pegasus - not the
Jupiter.  We gave away the source code to the GUI as well - and I see
that commercial software developers have generally taken our source
code (provided free) and turned it into a salable product - from which
Ten-Tec derives no income.

Scott Robbins

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