[TenTec] Re: Advantages of computer control
Duane - N9DG
n9dg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 22:50:22 EST 2005
I always have to chuckle that whenever the discussion about
computer/radio integration comes up that there is an almost
always and immediate mental leap by many to the notion that
computers integrated with radios will somehow make the human
operator superfluous.....
Nothing could be further from the truth....
With my setup as it now is I actually do *more* "radioing"
than without it. I can now maintain a near real-time *and*
constant situational awareness of 600 kHz of spectrum spread
across 4 bands for essentially unlimited hours. It exposes
many signals that I, you know, the "operator" must do
*something* about to checkout. Without spectrum displays and
computer control with point & click tuning I would be
blissfully unaware of what was really out there (at least I
used to be blissfully unaware ;) ). And no I have little or
no use for DX spotting nets for what I do, I rarely use them
at all here.
But I suppose with practice I can turn 4 VFO's simultaneously
(and for 24-33 hours straight), plus learn how to draw mental
images of where all the active signals are across that same
600 kHz on those same 4 bands. After all it surely can't be
that hard to learn how to turn those 4 VFO knobs by using
both my hands *and* my feet ;).
--- w8au at sssnet.com wrote:
> At 04:04 PM 1/25/05, jerome schatten wrote:
> >>Someday we'll be able to work contests without even
> >>being in the shack ourselves if current/future
> >>technology is any indicator!!!
> >
> >Now that sounds like 'fun' ham radio to me!
> >jerome - va7vv
> Are you kidding? That's like "driving a Formula 1 car at
> Indy" but being
> at home and only thinking about it, (not even watching on
> TV).... might as well take a nap and forget it! :-)
> Even contesting in the shack with computer assist is like
> driving a sports
> car with "automatic transmission!" No REAL feeling of
> being part of the process! :-)
> But... to use the old cliche'..."different strokes for
> different folks."
> :-)
> Perry w8au
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