[TenTec] The ORION II sure makes me happy

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.Net
Wed Mar 29 23:25:14 EST 2006

EXPERT - One who is very skilled or well informed in some special field

EX - former, past, no longer, previous
PERT - bold, impudent, saucy

Self-proclaimed - Oh, my arm hurts from patting myself on the back.

Bob, K4TAX
A contour of fine radios

>> Comparing experiences and technical disussion is very useful, but I have
>> to say
>> much of what has been posted here is unreasonable critisism of a great 
>> rig
>> and a
>> fine company.
> Most of it comes from a core group of self-proclaimed experts.
> I don't understand why they don't start their own radio company
> and become rich.

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