Doug S nn9s at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 3 10:01:28 EST 2007

Here is a posting from the Omin VII group I wrote to a fellow member I would like to share with this group. Thank you Doug NN9S

 Eric, 1st I am sad to hear the troubles with two ORION II units. I
 have had a love/hate relationship with Ten Tec from some of the
 earlier models like a Paragon and Omni V. About 3 years ago when the
 ORION first came out (not the OII) a friend had a new one shipped to
 my home because he was leaving town for a few weeks. He ask me to open
 it up and use it and work him mobile out in AZ etc. I liked that radio
 a lot but it didn't seem like a finished product to me. Some minor
 glitches and IMHO the fit and finish were not great.It did also lock
 up on me a couple of times with resets needed. Then when the OII came
 out I watched this radio very closely. Again when the OMIN VII came
 out I have watched it very close. I have given you the above
 information to give you a bit of background for my comments that
 follow. Finally a little over a month ago I ordered a OM7. First
 impression was I was very surprised at the fit and finish. Better than
 the ORION-I to me. For over a month now I have ran the radio hard on
 many bands using 450 ohm ribbon wire feeding a all band dipole and
 running legal limit. Also I have a new SteppIR 3el yagi and again both
 barefoot and a 8877 at legal limit. Never once have I had a single
 report of RF in my audio, never once a crash, a burp,nothing but
 praise from all who have worked me. Many, many times people will
 comment about the quality of my transmit audio. I have both the T.T.
 708A and 709A mic. I might add the group I normally operate with on
 75m ssb is VERY MUCH anti Ten Tec and I have turned some heads with
 this radio. FYI my other radio's are a ICOM 746pro and 756pro which I
 still have. IMO the OMNI VII is a breed all its own and the future of
 Ten Tec. Is the receiver as good as the OII ? All the test say no but
 it isn't bad. Sherwood rates it better than most however. If you have
 not looked at that webpage do so. It sure is a different animal than
 the OII I can assure you of that.
 I hope this helps you, and many others who might be standing on the
 fence (as I was) waiting to make a move. 

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