[TenTec] OmniVI and Centurion Amp

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Mon Mar 31 20:45:20 EDT 2008

As long as you have the amp connected correctly to the Omni VI, there's no 
problem with hot switching.  However, is you are only using the PTT or N.O. 
relay on the Omni VI to key the amp, you'll be in trouble very quickly.

For proper QSK operation the KEY OUT on the amp must be connected to the TX 
EN on the Omni and the KEY IN on the amp connected to the TX OUT on the 

Here's how it works.  When the key, connected to the Omni VI,  is closed a 
signal is generated at the TX OUT which then via the KEY IN at the amp 
starts the amp switching process.  When this process is completed then a 
signal is sent from the amp KEY OUT to the TX EN which then causes the Omni 
VI to produce RF.  The TX EN is transmit enable.  Prior to this line going 
low, the Omni VI does not produce RF when the key is closed.  There is a 
small delay in the process but not such that anyone would likely notice.

Antenna -> RF INPUT

Also, I suggest that you run a solid ground from the amp to the Omni VI PS 
ground lug and a solid ground from the Omni VI to the Omni VI PS ground lug. 
I've been running my Centurion for 12+ years with zero faults.  When I 
purchased the Omni VII, it connects exactly the same way.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: [TenTec] OmniVI and Centurion Amp

> I'm using this pair, mostly with CW, and wondering if the system is 
> designed with the
> appropriate delays to avoid hot switching.  I know the T/R relay was 
> replaced on the last trip
> to TT. I am using it in full break in mode of course.
> I love the combination!
> John K5MO
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