[TenTec] PBT and hi low cut

Mark pa5mw at home.nl
Sat May 17 03:12:10 EDT 2008

John wrote:
> Hello I was on the air today with my Orion II and I was getting some interference from a nearby station I tighten up the band pass filter and started playing with the PBT and hi - lo cut .  I realized that I still don't understand the operation of these controls to move the offending stations or move away from this station.  I fiddled with these controls and was unable to remove the offending station the controls seemed to do very little if anything . Is there a good explanation of how to use these controls some where .  One question , do I have to have the pbt light on before I attempt to use the H or L cut feature  ?  Thanks  John kb2huk
Hello John,

Take a look at  http://www.tentecwiki.org/doku.php?id=566

Scott W4PA, wrote an excellent article on the  Hi-Low cut settings.

'73 Mark, PA5MW

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