[TenTec] Eagle comparison

Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Sat Dec 4 08:45:54 PST 2010

My Eagle has an external RX jack.

For any of us to make a meaningful comparison, I guess you need to specify
what you want to do with the radio.
Casual user?  Contester?  DXer?  CW? SSB? Both?  Fixed?  Portable?  Etc...

The Eagle is every bit as good, actually slightly better of a receiver than
the OM VI+.
I went from an OM VI+ to a K3 to an Eagle in a 6 month time period.

The OR1 is probably a slightly better radio (main RX), and there are many
more adjustments, but that means also more things to mess up.  It's also
questionable if you would ever notice a difference.
In a CW contest, the Eagle might have ever so slight of an advantage because
of its 300 Hz roofing filter, vs. (best case) a 600 Hz Inrad roofing filter
for the OR1.
Of course the OR1 is about 26x bigger than the Eagle - hi.

If you like to play with high quality SSB, you would prefer the OR1.
Again, more adjustments.

Split with the Eagle is not difficult.  

Filters:  well you don't have a lot of choices.  It comes with one and there
are only 2 slots left.  I chose the 1.8 kHz and 300 Hz optional filters
because I want to be able to crank it in tight for contest work.
When not a CW contest weekend, the 1.8 kHz roofing with the DSP at 500 Hz
(or wherever you want) still outperforms most radios on the market.  If
things get rough, just squeeze in to 300 Hz.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Paul DeWitte
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 10:01 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Eagle comparison

The Eagle has been out for a little while now.
For those of you that have one or had access to one, how would you rate it 
compared to an OmniV or OmniVI? How about an Orion? A used Orion and the 
Eagle would be very similar in price, and yes they are two entirely 
different radios.

I know that it is not meant to replace the OII, and it does not have a rcv 
ant jack, which for me is very important for 160m DXing.

It looks like it would be a great travel radio. How hard is working split? 
How many extra filters do you need?

Just in the thinking stage.

Thanks 73 Paul K9OT 

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