[TenTec] TEN-TEC announces new amplifier

Jose F Ballester jfballester at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 20:48:13 PDT 2012

I have an Eagle and as others can buy an Orion II or any other radio costing much more, but why not fix the NR of this one on the Orion?   Tempted to purchase another brand if this isn't taken care of.   It must cost Ten-Tec in lost sales when others have a superior NR function.   Software updates don't make money in themselves, but if it costs them lost sales of their radios???   I'd rather purchase an USA manufactured radio even if I have to pay more.

73 de WP3HW

On Aug 11, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Mike Stricker <info4mjs at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Jerry,

I understand your point perfectly well.  John Henry told me that adjusting the alignment is very easy...just changing a variable in the FW.  If it is that easy then it should be done so they can put that issue to rest.  Others have mailed TT and myself about this same problem.  

Although you and others may not think that Ten Tec makes money off of software updates, they do.  I'm in the market for another radio and I like Ten Tec but I don't like the fact that they can't solve simple issues in a reasonable amount of time.  Granted, they may make no money on fixing that issue but they are going to lose at least a $2000 worth of sales because I won't buy another product from them until they demonstrate that they can fix a very simple issue. Heck, it's not like I'm asking for a new function:-)  I'm willing to bet that as long as they don't fix that bug, I will continue to broadcast here and to John, that I am waiting and I suspect they'll lose more than just my sale.


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