[TenTec] For those of us that try to assist - Please Help

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Tue Dec 25 17:53:00 EST 2012

As one that does repair of electronics, {I am not soliciting any business 
and don't accept such} and as a general comment, may I suggest that when 
asking for assistance it is always to a great advantage to have as much 
detail initially provided as possible.  All please understand, I am not 
being critical or criticizing anyone for their post, past, present or future 
in this regard.

>From my perspective, information such as:   model,  firmware version, band, 
mode, does the issue occur on all bands or just select ones, is it unique to 
a particular mode or certain operating conditions, such as Split or RIT etc. 
Is it unique to having the Speech Processor on or off,  is there any 
external equipment or processing equipment connected or used, type of mike, 
mike gain, speech processor level.  Is the radio under computer control or 
logging software, does it occur with a power amp,  has it always done this 
or has this just started,  is an external speaker being used or is it only 
the internal speaker or both,  what changes have been made such as new 
firmware installed.    These items are just to name a few of the many 
candidates that can cause issues.

My point, and I ask all, please provide as much detailed info as possible as 
it will be of great assistance to those of us that do try to assist.  It 
doesn't concern me if one writes a page describing their issue, I'll sort 
through it.  On the other hand, I find that it usually doesn't get a quick 
response and solution with a "one liner".

Bob, K4TAX

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