[TenTec] Paragon II LSB/USB audio differences.

Robert Mcgraw rmcgraw at blomand.net
Mon Apr 7 09:01:50 EDT 2014

The BFO oscillators likely need alignment.  Follow the sequence in the

73 Bob, K4TAX

> i have set  Reference oscillator , and the BFO's on the rig.
> Rig is on frequency as discussed a week or so ago.
> My issue is this.
> USB sounds great on transmit.
> LSB, however, is thin. Narrow, like you are talking through a 1.8-2.1 kHz
> filter.
> I tried another 2.4 filter in 9mHz slot, with no change.
> Can someone tell me what to adjust to move the USB and LSB transmits more
> to the center of their respective ranges.
> I am happy with the rig so far, but it is obvious that LSB needs an
> adjustment, and of course, it is not the BFO.
> I have a friend who wants the rig, and I would like to make it perfect
> for him.
> Thanks for any help.
> Mark
> K8VF
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