[TenTec] Scout has vy low Pwr out on some bands

K8JHR jrichards at k8jhr.com
Thu Jul 17 09:47:45 EDT 2014

Eek... I would be careful with metal cleaners.  As I recall, Tarn-X and 
the like often leave a film, and residue, etc., that is hard to get out 
of cracks, crevices, and other small areas, despite it claiming to be 
apply-and-rinse easy to use..    It is made with Thiourea and Salfamic 
Acid, a rather caustic aqueous acid product.  While it might remove some 
oxidation, it could also damage the other materials inside the device, 
such as plastics, insulating phenolic wafers and similar materials.

The Tar-x Product Data Sheet says:

	Restrictions on Use:
	Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, acids,
	bases, and bleach. Do not use on stainless steel,
	chrome, pewter, aluminum, brass, zinc, marble,
	pearls, opals, and other porous stones.

Rick -- You are obsessing over this.  Why not stop now, when you can, 
and it still works.   I really believe in the adage:  "If you fix 
something long enough, eventually you will break it."   Anyone who has 
stripped a screw over-tightening it knows this is true.  If the Scout 
cartridge works full power out, why not just stop there and call it 
good.  Clean what you can easily reach, and stop, or you may reap the 
balance of the adage, and eventually break it.   If it is working... 
close it up and call CQ on it.

As for the bond paper... even though you have a 'lot of GRIT", I doubt 
you would write your Will on sand paper...    ;-)

Just MY take.

====================  K8JHR ======================

> On 7/17/2014 4:14 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
>> Hmmm, well I don't know what bond paper is.  Perhaps what I call Emery
>> paper.
>> But it is very difficult to get anything down in there.
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