[TenTec] Panadapter with 9MHz i.f.

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 13:48:25 EST 2016

Can anybody please provide the correct freq settings to use with panadapter
software being driven off the 9MHz i.f. output:

IF OUTPUT 9.???.???  MHz
Offsets  CW  ??? Hz
            LSB ??? Hz
            USB ??? Hz

FWIW, I'm driving an SDRPlay RSP1 off my Omni 6+ 9MHz i.f. through a
Clifton Labs Z10000B buffer amp.  I'm using SDR Console v3 software.  This
looks like it's going to be a very cool setup.  I am fully documenting the

Thanks & 73,
Barry N1EU

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