[TenTec] Panadapter with 9MHz i.f.

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sat Dec 24 13:56:01 EST 2016

On Sat,12/24/2016 10:48 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:
> Can anybody please provide the correct freq settings to use with panadapter
> software being driven off the 9MHz i.f. output:
> IF OUTPUT 9.???.???  MHz
> Offsets  CW  ??? Hz
>              LSB ??? Hz
>              USB ??? Hz

Hi Barry,

Couldn't you figure this out by tuning in a signal on the radio, then 
listening on the SDRPlay to see where it appears? I would start with CW. 
If you have more than one radio, TX on the other radio and find it on 
the radio with the SDRPlay at the IF.

> FWIW, I'm driving an SDRPlay RSP1 off my Omni 6+ 9MHz i.f. through a
> Clifton Labs Z10000B buffer amp.  I'm using SDR Console v3 software.  This
> looks like it's going to be a very cool setup.  I am fully documenting the
> install.

Great. It would be quite helpful to know whether the buffer amp improves 
performance. Perhaps you might test in small signal and large signal 
conditions with and without it.

73, Jim K9YC

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