[TenTec] ten tec arguant 5

Greg S oldlongbeard at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 9 08:33:50 EST 2018

I concur completely with your assessment of the receiver in the Argo VI 539! When time allows, I will be testing a theory for an inexpensive 6kc I.F. filter retrofit for the Argo VI.  That will allow even a bit more fidelity on receive for those stations transmitting a , bit wider SSB signal. Ten Tec has the factory 6Kc wide AM filter yet, but I was quoted $150+ carriage. No thanks......  I'll roll my own, or go without.
Greg, KC8HXO

On Thu, 11/8/18, Carlos <carlos.peco at gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [TenTec] ten tec arguant 5
 To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
 Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018, 8:18 PM
 Hi Lee,
 I have an Argonaut VI at home, and an Argonaut
 V on the way from the US.
 The Argonaut VI, taking low level audio from
 the rear DIN connector
 and using an external
 amplified speaker, and tweaking the RF Gain and
 the PBT (I like hearing audio from 100 to 2400
 Hz using the smallest
 amount of RF
 amplification possible) provides the quietest and more
 pleasant audio of all the radios I have / ever
 had. The only one that
 gets close is the K2
 (I have one) and the Corsair II.
 But this is just a subjective opinion based in
 my personal
 preferences. The other day I was
 with a guy who had an FT-857D and he
 it was a great radio.
 have been getting rid of my Japanese/Chinese gear and
 Ten-Tec/Elecraft, so I'm a bit
 Carlos VK1EA
 On 11/9/18, L
 D Ritta <vk5abc at adam.com.au>
 > I would like to find out just
 how good they are, from someone who has one
 > Just how good is if dsp
 > Lee
 > -----Original
 > From: TenTec <tentec-bounces at contesting.com>
 On Behalf Of Carlos
 > Sent: Thursday, 8
 November 2018 3:11 PM
 > To: Discussion of
 Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
 > Subject: Re: [TenTec] ten tec arguant 5
 > Hi Lee,
 > Gerry VK7GC was
 selling his Argonaut VI on VKClassifieds not long ago.
 > Plenty of Scouts on
 ebay at the moment... but that is a completely
 > different
 > animal.
 > What do you want the radio for? SOTA?
 > 73,
 > Carlos VK1EA
 > On 11/8/18, L D Ritta
 <vk5abc at adam.com.au>
 Hello All
 Anyone here got an Argonaut 5 or 6 or even a delta II
 >> 73's
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