[TenTec] Incomplete V3 update... partially resolved

Bob, W3IDT w3idt at comcast.net
Wed Nov 17 13:12:38 EST 2021


Thanks for your note.
As per the new note from Bob, k4tax, he sent me several real 566 update 
files. (The one I used was inside a "566..." zip, but turned out to be 
for the 565! Why a 565 file inside a 566 zip?)
Result was a frozen radio.
Alive now with Bob's update file, except for audio.

Now have no audio. Correct antenna, [AUDIO] set to left=main, 
right=main, [MAIN AF] increases/ decrease "hiss".
Need to investigate.
May try an earlier update file.

Bob, w3idt

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt at comcast.net
. w3idt at arrl.net

On 11/17/2021 4:56 AM, Barry Simpson wrote:
> Hi Bob
> I am not sure from your description where you got your 3.026 file. Did you
> unzip it first of all ?
> I think I am using 3,033xe but I will check tomorrow.
> If it were me, I would do nothing until I had a known working version 3
> file. I can direct you to or provide you with one of those.
> Then I would see if I could put the rig into the update mode again which I
> suspect should be possible. Then I would try to update with the new version
> 3 file.
> I have never had a problem updating or regressing to an earlier V3 version
> with any of my four Orion 2's.
> I will get back to you tomorrow.
> Barry  VK2BJ
> On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 at 07:40, Bob, W3IDT <w3idt at comcast.net> wrote:
>> After some searching re my FT8 audio problems with the Orion II, I
>> stumbled upon the need to update the software from version 2 to version
>> 3. (The radio was bequeathed to me; I am not the original owner.)
>> 1. I found the exe file inside the 566-setup-3.026exe_(1).zip file.
>> 2a. Used the USER2 + POWER sequence to place the radio in Flash Update
>> Mode, and ran the program: 10810 lines updated.
>> 2b. At the end, the display had an truncated Ten-Tec logo:
>> two vertical black lines, a wider vertical red line, then two more
>> vertical black lines.
>> 3a. Used the VFO-B_LCK + POWER sequence to start the "RAM clear" process.
>> 3b. Nothing happened after several minutes of holding the VFO-B-LCK
>> button: No "Battery Failure" message, as per the instructions.
>> Radio now powers up with the truncated ten-tec logo as in (2b).
>> And is, of course, dead.
>> Was I impatient with the RAM Clear?
>> Hold VFO-B-LCK longer?
>> What else?
>> .......
>> . Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
>> .
>> . w3idt at comcast.net
>> . w3idt at arrl.net
>> ........
>> On 11/14/2021 8:26 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
>>> I would double check the connections between the computer audio output
>> and the DIN connector on the back of the Orion.    Maybe  for a wiring
>> error?
>>> Are you using any audio interface? Signalink or such?
>>> 73
>>> Bob, K4TAX
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 14, 2021, at 6:45 PM, Bob, W3IDT <w3idt at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> Bob,
>>>> TNX for the reply (and your replies to many questions on this list)!
>>>> But...
>>>>>> Run WSJT-X as a stand-a-lone application
>>>> Should have added that I'm running them stand-alone
>>>> (either JTDX or WSJT - they behave the same).
>>>>>> set the levels set correctly.
>>>> I think I have everything set for maximum.
>>>>>> The fact you can get it working using the SP function says the audio
>> is low getting to the radio.
>>>> Right.
>>>>>> Or the radio AUX gain is set too low.
>>>> As noted, AUX gain set to 100 (max)
>>>> The issue maybe the MicroHam/MicroKeyer.
>>>> That's why it was in the subject line.
>>>> (it's an older model,
>>>> but does fine for rig control and RTTY and CW).
>>>> Haven't tried SSB DVK through it for years.
>>>> W3DQ asked you about the Orion and FT8 some time ago.
>>>> That's why I included your exchange with him.
>>>> Obviously, I'm somewhat ahead of where W3DQ was,
>>>> actually getting some output (and working people).
>>>> Oh, Eric, w3dq, is a local, good friend.
>>>> Now uses a K3 for most operating.
>>>> I have an FTdx5000, but it lives at the W3LPL super-station
>>>> for the major contest season. I'm part of the multi-team.
>>>> And I do SS/SSB from there.
>>>> I had a round with Joe Subich, W4TV, about the
>>>> Microham/MicroKeyer some time ago.
>>>> Maybe I'll bug him again.
>>>> Any additional thoughts would be appreciated.
>>>> Bob, w3idt
>>>> .......
>>>> . Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
>>>> .
>>>> . w3idt at comcast.net
>>>> . w3idt at arrl.net
>>>> ........
>>>>> On 11/13/2021 5:01 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
>>>>> Run WSJT-X as a stand-a-lone application and get the levels set
>> correctly.   The fact you can get it working using the SP function says the
>> audio is low getting to the radio.  Or the radio AUX gain is set too low.
>>>>> Bob, K4TAX
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Nov 13, 2021, at 1:33 PM, Bob, W3IDT <w3idt at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Does any have this combination?
>>>>>> Or remember anything about this combination?
>>>>>> Trying to use JTDX/WSJT-X.
>>>>>> Simple problem is that I can only get about 20 watts out of the Orion
>> II using the TUNE function in JTDX/WSJT with, I think, all controls set for
>> "maximum smoke" :
>>>>>> 1. PC LineOut/Speakers to MH/MK SoundOut.
>>>>>> (that is correct, though it appears to be reversed.)
>>>>>> 2. PC [Sound][Speakers] maximum volume both Left and Right.
>>>>>> 3. JTDX/WSJT [Settings][Audio] Output = Speakers;
>>>>>> Left, Mono, Both -> 20w Power; Right -> no power.
>>>>>> 4. JTDX/WSJT power slider at Maximum.
>>>>>> 5. MH/MK set to special Orion II VOICE = CBA specification
>>>>>> (to feed PC audio out to Orion II AUX audio in).
>>>>>> 6. MH/MK internal pot tried at MIN and MAX;
>>>>>> power varies, MAX is best.
>>>>>> 7. MH/MK external pot at MAX.
>>>>>> Power varies, MAX is best.
>>>>>> 8. Orion II SP= Off and TX EQ = 0dB
>>>>>> 9. Orion II [Menu][SSB] Audio Source
>>>>>> = AUX or BOTH -> 20w power
>>>>>> = MIC -> no power
>>>>>> 10. Orion II [Menu][SSB] AUX input gain
>>>>>> power varies, 100 -> 20 Watts.
>>>>>> Rig / CAT control, RTTY (FSK), and CW work fine, 100W out.
>>>>>> I can actually work FT8 stations with the 20w,
>>>>>> including 9J2BS (Zambia) just today.
>>>>>> But still . . .
>>>>>> UPDATE: If I turn the SP up to about 6,
>>>>>> I get full power out.
>>>>>> But... SP is a no-no for FT8.
>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>> Bob, w3idt
>>>>>> Oh, and I've studied this old email to W3DQ who had similar problems.
>>>>>> Can't see anything I'm doing wrong.
>>>>>> .......
>>>>>> . Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> . w3idt at comcast.net
>>>>>> . w3idt at arrl.net
>>>>>> ........
>>>>>>> On 11/10/2021 11:28 AM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>>>>>>> Haven't gone through my notes, but ran across this.
>>>>>>> Hope it helps a bit!
>>>>>>> ------ Forwarded Message ------
>>>>>>> From: "Bob McGraw" <rmcgraw at blomand.net <mailto:rmcgraw at blomand.net
>>>>>>> To: "Eric Rosenberg" <ericrosenberg.dc at gmail.com <mailto:
>> ericrosenberg.dc at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>> Sent: 2/10/2021 1:05:27 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] FT8/FST4 with an Orion 565
>>>>>>> Eric:
>>>>>>> In general you will need an audio interface such as the Tentec 712
>> {if you can find one}, or a Signalink USB.  There are other brands.  If you
>> order a new Signalink USB, do get the matching cable for the Tentec ACC
>> port.   This handles the audio to and from the computer along with a PTT
>> command.
>>>>>>> As to CAT interface, you will need either a RS-232 to USB converter
>> cable using the FTDI chip or {highly unlikely} your computer has a RS-232
>> port.  This communicates control of the radio.
>>>>>>> Select the Aux TX input to LINE INPUT.  Adjust the Line Gain to
>> about 35.  Set the PWR to 100 watts and USB mode.  Adjust the Line Gain
>> and/or the Signalink TX level, and /or the computer software {SPKR] level
>> to about 35% or as needed to get about 50 to 75 watts in transmit mode.
>> Also, be sure you set any Speech Processing to OFF or to zero and any TX EQ
>> to flat.  This is a MUST.
>>>>>>> The CAT command can initiate PTT or you can use the Signalink to
>> initiate a PTT command.  Don't use both.    Also, do not set TX audio
>> source to BOTH.   Use only Line input.
>>>>>>> 73
>>>>>>> Bob, K4TAX
>>>>>>>> On 2/9/2021 9:50 PM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>>>>>>>> Is there a recommended setup for my Orion and WSJT-X's FT8 and FST4?
>>>>>>>> Thanks & 73,
>>>>>>>> Eric W3DQ
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