[TOEC] FW: [VUSHF] NACs on Thursdays???

Gunnar Widell (HF/ESE) gunnar.widell at ericsson.com
Thu Oct 2 09:59:13 EDT 2003

Gör en kopia från VUSHF reflektorn.
Det är en väldig aktivitet på de som kör contest på högre band. Vi satsar till och med lite på SK3W för att få till en skaplig signal på 144 MHz. Numera kan man köra ca 150 stationer på 2 meter om man vill, under en aktivitets test.

Enligt mailet nedan börjar dom komma ner på våra frekvenser också... trevligt.
Om dom kommer ner och kör lite kortvågstester, kanske vi kan vara med i lite VHF/UHF/SHF tester, för att öka aktiviteten...?

73 de Gunnar SGP

-----Original Message-----
From: ivan stauning [mailto:oz7is at yahoo.dk]
Sent: den 1 oktober 2003 22:58
To: vushf at fro.se
Cc: edrvhf at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [VUSHF] NACs on Thursdays???

                                 Vridslösemagle    1. Oktober 2003
To the Nordic VUSHF NAC contesters.
Hello friends
Almost through the first year of the common NAC Microwave/50 MHz Tuesday we have all gained some experience.
First of all: The microwave contest has gained in popularity, even in Denmark. That is indeed positive! 
On the other hand: 50 MHz activity has definitely gone down - in Denmark at least. The participants are complaining! And it is not only due to the decreasing sunspot numbers! Rather due to the competition from the microwaves! Not positive at all! 
Not to mention those who want to participate fully in both contests!
In the Danish VHF committee we have tried to come up with a solution to solve this problem. 
And actually: We have an idea!
Basically we keep the NACs where they are 
- except the 50 MHz contest.
Where to place it then?  
I will get back to that in a while.
First: Lets look at another problem arising: 70 MHz! 
It is allowed in more and more countries and among those: Denmark, the Faeroes and Greenland. More will follow! Your country as well, perhaps?
Amateurs in OZ have already voiced the idea to have a 70 MHz "NAC". 
(It can hardly be a NAC with only one country, but anyway!!!!)
Then we do have yet another NAC: The 28/29 MHz activity contest. 
A Norwegian invention copied by the Danes in 1996 and the Finns in 2003. The 28 MHz "NAC" is running on the first Wednesday every month.
We can expect increased interest for this activity contest once "everybody" is allowed on the HF bands (without the CW certificate).
The 10 m NAC deserves more publicity/activity!
The three bands 28, 50 and 70 MHz have a lot in common due to the relative small frequency difference while they also show differences in propagation.
It could be an idea to consider a common contest weekday for all the  "low band NACs". 
(Even though 28/29 MHz is not a VHF band!)
As Wednesday is close to Tuesday 
(And a common European football evening,) 
Thursday would be the better choice!
(In the past the 432 MHz NAC was running on the first Thursday!)
On Tuesdays we have a succession in frequency: 
144, followed by 
432, followed by 
1296, followed by Microwaves = 
2,3 GHz and up (+ 50 MHz).
The same principle could be applied on the Thursdays:
28 MHz on the first Thursday every month,
50 MHz on the second Thursday every month,
70 MHz on the third Thursday every month.
The fourth Thursday is then in store for future  "NAC extensions".
Necessary actions:
All Nordic countries are to relocate the 50 MHz activity contest to the second Thursday every month. (And we have to tell the UK about it too!)
Norway, Denmark and Finland would have to move their 28 MHz activity contest to the first Thursday every month. 
The arranging bodies in those countries have more or less agreed to do that!
(Sweden would once again have to consider if they will join the other Nordic countries starting the 10-metre activity contest as discussed in the NRAU meetings in Iceland 2002 and in Norway 1999!)
Denmark will possibly start a new 70 MHz activity contest on the third Thursday every month. The rest of you will eventually follow - in due time.
If we decided upon it soon (now) it could be implemented in 2004.
If we do as we normally do: in 2005!
What is your reaction to the ideas?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Vy 73 de OZ7IS, Ivan.  VHF manager, EDR.
oz7is at yahoo.dk
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