sm3cvm at swipnet.se
Thu May 19 03:48:16 PDT 2011
The calendar is available at http://www.sk3bg.se/
VK0/ZL4DB, MACQUARIE ISLAND. From Macquarie Island (AN-005) beginning late April
through late July. He will be on the air thanks to assistance from
Kevin, VK0KEV. Activity will be limited to his free time and will
be only on SSB. PLEASE NOTE: He is new to pile-ups, so please go
easy on him. Because he only operates on SSB, Kevin might convert
him to RTTY! QSL via ZL4PW, by the Bureau or direct (see QRZ.com).
No online-log, eQSL or LoTW.
EU-174 Thassos Island, Greece by HAØHW, 26 May till 5 June as J48HW and SV8/HA0HW.
He will take part in the CQ WPX CW contest as J48HW. After the
contest he will be on all HF band +6 m with monoband fishing pole
verticals and a 2x17m doublet feeding with ladder line. He will
use a small MOS-FET amplifier with 300-400 Watts output power. All
QSLs are ok via HA QSL bureau!
to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the end of World War II and
honour Azerbaijani hero Mamish Abdullayev. QSL via RW6HS (direct
by ON4ARV. Activity will be on 20/15/10 meters SSB between 2000-
2200z everyday. QSL only via LoTW and eQSL. More info is available
on his Web site at http//www.OT4R.net/
- 21/5 BARBADOS; 8P9XB NA-021
by PY2XB. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.
He will have a 6m beacon on at 50.099 MHz (Grid Locator GK03gc).
QSL via PT7WA.
from the shores of Meliquina Lake, located at 45 KM from the city
of San Martin de los Andes, from the hotel Amancio. Activity will
be on the HF bands, 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. Contacts are
valid for the Neuquén Club Radio Program "Lakes and Ponds of
Neuquén". For national contacts, QSL via LU8YE. For DX contacts,
QSL via Manager EA7FTR. Visit the LU8YE Web page at
from St. Barthelemy Island by ON4CIT. Activity will be on 40-6
meters using mainly SSB and RTTY. The suggested frequencies are:
SSB - 7072, 14192, 18132, 21292, 24972, 28492 and 50115 kHz
RTTY - 7042, 10142, 18102, 21082, 24922 and 28082 kHz
QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct (see QRZ.com).
Visit his FJ/OS1T Web page at
- 24/5 TUVALU; T2XG OC-015
by JA1XGI. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and the
Digital modes. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or by the Bureau.
- 24/5 GUYANA; 8R1A
by W1CDC. Activity will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using CW
and SSB. He was heard this past weekend very active on 17 meters
CW/SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
by TJ3AY to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the independence
of Cameroon. A special QSL card is available via F5LGE.
from Hispaniola Island by KL7JR and XYL WL7MY. Activity will be on
80-10 meters SSB using several different wire antennas from their
beach location. Main antenna will be a 40-10m vertical loop. QSL
via KL7JR (QRZ.com, CBA).
- 4/6 NEPAL; 9N7AK
by K0YAK, active in his spare time (http://9n7ak.wordpress.com/)
while on work assignment at the US Embassy in Kathmandu. Activity
is on 20 to 10 metres SSB and PSK31. QSL to home call.
- 8/6 UGANDA; 5X1VJ
by UV5EVJ from Entebbe. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW
and SSB. During the past week he has been on 30/20/17/15/12
meters. QSL via his home callsign.
- 15/6 CHAD; TT8PK
by F4EGS. Activity will be limited due to his work schedule and
spare time. Operations last time was on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB
and some RTTY. QSL via F4EGS, by the Bureau or direct (see QRZ.com
for details).
by ex-F5INL. Activity will be on 20/17/15/12/10 meters using
mostly CW. QSL direct to Frederic Bossu, 2 Chemin des Grenadiers,
97490 Sainte Clotilde, Reunion Island or by the Bureau.
by F5PHW. Since he is there for work, his on air activities will
be limited, but he will try to operate as much as possible. If he
lives in a house, Phil intends to be active on all HF bands from
80-10 meters mainly on CW and RTTY (possibly some PSK31) with very
little SSB using only 100 watts. His antennas from the house QTH
will be: 80-40m - Inverted V + HF6VX (GP), 30m - HF6VX, 20-10m -
HF6VX + Spiderbeam (not sure). However, if he lives in an
apartment the antenna may only be the HF6VX. QSL via F8BPN, by the
Bureau or direct.
- August BAHRAIN; A92IO
by EI3IO. Operations will initially focus on the bands 3.5 MHz to
30 MHz. He also intends to be QRV on 1.8 MHz for the 2010/2011
winter season. QSL direct to A92IO (Dave Court, P.O. Box 31183,
Budaiya, Bahrain) or via the bureau to EI3IO. Direct cards may
also to be sent to EI3IO, however these will only be auctioned
once or twice per year. Further information can be found at
- 30/9 JAPAN; 8J14ØDX
Special event to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Chichibu
Yamanami Kaido (or Chichibu Mountain Range Road), aka Route 140
Minano-Yorii Tollway. QSL via the JARL bureau.
- September ZAMBIA; 9J2KK
by JF1OKX. He plans to start operations on the amateur radio bands
(80-6 metres) during the first 10 days of July. He will
concentrate on the digital modes (PSK31 or 62, RTTY, WSJT and
SSTV), with some SSB and CW. QSL via JK1NSR.
- 25/11 CYPRUS; 5B5ØJ
5B4AHJ will celebrate his 50th anniversary as a licensed radio
amateur on October 25th. Activity will be on CW and SSB. QSL via
5B4AHJ and LoTW.
- 31/12 TAIWAN; BP1ØØ
Taiwan is celebrating its 100th anniversary. For this event there
are two special event stations on the air: BP100 (QSL via BX4AQ)
and BV100 (QSL via BV2KI) from Oct 10 until Dec 31,2011. More
information about the stations and the special award can be found
at: http://www.bv100.tw/
- 31/12 TAIWAN; BV1ØØ
Taiwan is celebrating its 100th anniversary. QSL via BV2KI. More
information about the stations and the special award can be found
at: http://www.bv100.tw/
from Vostok station by RD1AV (ex RV1ZC). He will operate CW, SSB
and digital modes on all bands, 160 and 80 metres included. In
mid-December he might operate for a few days as RI1ANC/A from
Molodezhnaya station. QSL via RN1ON, direct or bureau.
- 31/12 URUGUAY; CW5RV
Commemorating the 100 anniversary of the birth of Louis Varney,
G5RV (1911-2000), the inventor of the renowned multiband HF
antenna, the Centro Aficionados Montevideo will be active. QSL to
P.O. Box 6000, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay.
- 30/4 2012 KENYA; 5Z4RH
by IK8VRH is working in Kenya. Requested callsign is 5Z4RH.
21/5 - 30/5 VIET NAM; XV4Y
by F5FYO on 20m, 15m and 10m bands CW and SSB only as time and
weather permits. Starting at Ho-Chi-Ming City the 21th, then from
25th at Hanoi and from Halong's Bay (as MM) the 29th and 30th.
21/5 - 31/5 DOMINICA; J7A, J79WI, J71W and J79FCG
by K5KG, K1TO, WI9WI and NX4N. Activity will be on 80-6 meters, no
60m and 160m (no antenna is planned). The team will be in the CQ
WPX CW Contest as J7A. Outside of the contest, operators will use
the J79FCG (suffix - Florida Contest Group) callsign primarily
(and perhaps exclusively), but some operators do have
their own callsign. QSLs for J79FCG go only to K1TO with a SASE.
Non SASE direct cards will be answered by the Bureau. Bureau cards
will be answered. The log will be uploaded to both LoTW and eQSL.
QSL J7A and J71W via NX4N. QSL J79WI via WI9WI.
23/5 - 8/6 VIET NAM; 3W2N
by WQ2N. He is there because of work, so operating the radio is
secondary (he may not find any time to operate at all, but he will
try his best). He plans to travel to different regions of Vietnam
(South, Central, and North). Activity will only be on
40/30/20/17/15 meters. QSL via WQ2N.
from Santa Catalina Island, California, by K6VVA and NI6T between
2100z, May 24th and 0500z, May 26th. Activity will be on 40-15
meters, mostly CW with some SSB. QSL ONLY via N6AWD. PLEASE NOTE:
There will be two stations on the air May 25th. For more details
about the special plans, see the Web page at
24/5 - 31/5 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA; V26E NA-100
from Antigua by AB2E. Activity will include the CQWW WPX CW
Contest (May 28-29th) as Single-Op entry. All operations before
and after the contests will be either on the 30/17/12 meter bands
or the lower bands. QSL direct via AB2E for any and all operations
from 1993 to present. Be sure to include an SASE, green stamp, or
new IRC, or you won't get a card. Sorry, no Bureau cards at this
time, and no eQSL. As of February 28, 2011, all logs from all V26E
operations (including 2010) ave been uploaded to LoTW as well.
30/5 - 7/6 CANADA; VE7/DK6AO NA-091
from Quadra Island. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the
Bureau. For possible online logs, more details and updates, watch
the following Web page at http://www.dk6ao.de/
31/5 - 6/6 MADAGASCAR; 5R8KS AF-057
from Nosy Be Island by IZ4AKS. Activity will be holiday style on
40-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via IZ8IYX. Suggested
frequencies are:
CW - 7025, 10105, 14025, 18075, 21025, 24895 and 28025 kHz
SSB - 7085, 14270, 18155, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz
RTTY - 7040, 10145, 14080, 18105, 21085, 24920 and 28080 kHz
Visit the 5R8KS Web page at http://www.dxcoffee.com/5r8ks/
by VK6YS. Activity will be limited because he will be on holiday
with his wife Gaye. Operations will be early local mornings and
through the evenings on 40-10 meters, propagation permitting.
Using his IC7000, he plans to concentrate on the Digital modes,
mainly PSK31 and with some RTTY and Olivia. QSL via VK6YS.
2/6 - 5/6 CANADA; K6VVA/VE7 NA-091
from Quadra Island by K6VVA and W6NV between 0500z, June 2nd and
0000z, June 5th. Activity will be on 40-15 meters, mostly CW with
some SSB. QSL ONLY via N6AWD. "Excellent location over salt water
to EUROPE!!!" For more details and update, see
4/6 - 6/6 REPUBLIC OF KOREA; D9K AS-084
from Chuja Island by DS2GOO, DS3GLW, DS4NYE, HL1VAU and DS4CDA.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.
4/6 - 7/6 REPUBLIC OF KOREA; 6MØW/5 AS-081
from Kadok Island, South Korea. Operators mentioned are 6K5AQY,
14/6 - 28/6 ANTIGUA; V25DR, V25DD and V25TP NA-100
by W9DR (V25DR), K9UK (V25DD) and W9AEB (V25TP) will operate
holiday style from Antigua, Grid Square FK97BD). Look for W9DR to
concentrate on 6 meters CW/SSB on 50.115 MHz. Look for K9UK and
W9AEB operate on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and PSK31. Additional
information will be available on the TBA Web site. QSL via their
home callsigns.
16/6 - 19/6 CANADA; XK1T NA-193
from Tent Island by VE8EV and VE8GER. They will operate mainly SSB
with some CW on 20 metres; some activity on 30, 17 and 15 metres
is also likely. Updates will be posted to
from Ua Pou, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
21/6 - 2/7 MALDIVES; 8Q7LR AS-013
by RA9LR. Activity will be exclusively digital but with some SSB
on 40-10 meters. QSL via UA9LP, direct or by the Bureau.
from Ua Huka, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
26/6 - 7/7 BONAIRE, CURACAO; PJ2 SA-099
from Curacao by DK9KX, DJ9ON and DJ8NK. They will have a strongly
emphasis on 6 meters, but the HF bands will also be used on CW,
SSB and RTTY. Callsign and further info will be published soon.
from Raitea, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
from Bora Bora, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
by PY2FN. Activity will be on 80-6 meters but only on CW. Emphasis
will be on 6 meters. QSL via his home callsign.
from Rangiroa, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
from Tahiti, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
11/7 - 14/7 AUSTRAL ISLANDS; FO/F6CTL OC-050
from Rimatara, running 100 watts into a vertical or a dipole. He
will operate holiday style mainly SSB and digital modes. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
11/7 - ca 18/7 CAYMAN ISLANDS; ZF2UQ and ZF2EZ
by W5UQ and W5SJ. Look for them to operate in the CQWW VHF Contest
(July 16-17th), mainly on 6 meters. Activity outside of the
contest will be on the HF bands using mainly CW and some SSB. QSL
via W5JAY (see QRZ.com).
12/7 - 2/8 ST. KITTS AND NEVIS; V47JA NA-104
from Calypso Bay, St. Kitts by W5JON. Activity will be on 80-6
meters using SSB. His activity will also include both the CQWW VHF
Contest and RSGB IOTA (SSB) Contest. Equipment will
be: Kenwood TS-590S, Yaesu FT-857D, KL-400 Amplifier (400 watts)
and a 80-10m Multiband Dipole and S9 Vertical; 6m will be a 3
element yagi. His XYL Cathy, W5HAM, will occasionally operate as
V47HAM. ALL QSLs go to his home callsign W5JON.
20/7 - 24/7 PALAU; T88MB, T88MP and T88SR OC-009
by JA3AVO (T88MB), JH3PBL (T88MP) and W7AED (T88SR). Their
activity of bands and modes were not provided. QSL T88MB and T88SR
via LoTW or direct to JA3AVO. QSL T88MP via JH3PBL.
21/7 - 25/7 ALASKA; KL NA-242
from the North Slope County West group of Alaska are planning by
K6VVA and K9AJ, with a possible side trip to the rare NA-172
group. Further information and a dedicated web site are expected
in due course.
23/7 - 2/8 LORD HOWE ISLAND; VK9HR OC-004
by m embers of the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia
(HARAOA Group) are planning a major DXpedition to Lord Howe
Island. The group plans to operate on multiple bands
simultaneously to give everyone a chance to contact Lord Howe
Island. This the same group of operators that activated VI2BI from
Broughton Island (OC-212) back in February 2010, and VK9NI from
Norfolk Island (OC-005) in July 2009. The VK9HR DXpedition team
leader VK2IR and co-leader VK3YP. QSL is via EB7DX. For more
details, visit the VK9HR Web Page at http://www.vk9hr.com/
23/7 - 15/8 BARBADOS; 8P9XC NA-021
by DF1XC from Saint Philip. Activity will be holiday style on the
HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Log
will be available at: http://www.clublog.org/logsearch/8p9xc
24/7 - 9/8 ASCENSION ISLAND; ZD8D AF-003
by DK1IP, DL7OR, DJ4KW, DL1CW and DJ9KH. Activity will be on 160-
10 meters, mainly on the Digital modes with some CW and SSB later.
They will be using Elecraft K3s. The team plans to participate in
the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). A Web page is currently
under construction. The team is seeking sponsors, especially for
an amplifier.
25/7 - 1/8 CANADA; VE3ZZ/VY2 NA-029
from Prince Edward Island. In the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-
31st), he will operate as a Single Op/Mix-Mode/24HRS/High-Power.
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
from Tangier Island by a group of operators from QCWA Chapter 119,
IOTA Contest included. They plan to operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK
on 80-10 metres. QSL via K5VIP.
29/7 - 31/7 CANADA; XM2I NA-128
from Isle-aux-Grues by the "NA-128 Contest Group". They will be
operate CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 on 80-6 metres with "many stations",
including an entry in the IOTA Contest. A short activity from
Isle-aux-Oies might take place after the contest. QSL via VE2CQ.
from Core Banks Barrier Island by KI4IWS and KG4CXY. Activity will
include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st). Outside
of the contest, they will be active on 80-10 meters using CW and
SSB. QSL W4OTN, by the Bureau or direct (QRZ.com).
29/7 - 5/8 ALASKA; KL7RRC NA-232 New IOTA!
from St. Matthew Island by N3QQ and other Russian Robinson Club
members. They are currently awaiting final permission by USFWS.
For more details and updates, visit http://www.na-234.com/
Activity will be RTTY only. Bands of operation were not provided.
QSL via his home callsign.
Activity, along with others, will be on 160-6 meters using CW,
SSB, RTTY and PSK. They plan to use high power stations with beam
antennas (40-6m) and verticals on 160/80m. QSL direct to WA8LOW.
16/9 - 26/9 TIMOR-LESTE; 4W6A OC-232
from Atauro Island by VK8NSB, VK8FNCY, 9M6DXX (4W6AA), 9M6XRO and
MW0JRX. Activity will be on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, with
three stations, two using full licensed power linear amplifiers,
and a third running 100 watts. Antennas will mainly be quarter-
wave verticals and vertical dipoles, all located within a few
metres of the ocean. For 160m an inverted-L will be used. Further
information will be published on a dedicated website. QSL via
M0URX, direct or bureau (http://www.m0urx.com/qsl-request-form/),
and LoTW. The DXpedition has a Web site, at http://www.4w6a.com/
27/9 - 25/10 EASTERN KIRIBATI; T32C OC-024
from Kiritimati (Christmas Island) by the Five Star DXers
Association of 9M0C, D68C, 3B9C and 3B7C. A very large group of 40
member experienced operators from 13 different DXCC entities will
be active as T32C (requested callsign) on all bands and modes,
with up to 16 stations on the air, using amplifiers along with
monoband beams and vertical dipole arrays, 24 hours a day, for
almost four weeks, including four weekends. The primary objective
is to give as many DXers as possible a first contact with this
rare DXCC entity and, as a secondary objective, to give as many
band-slots as possible.
1/10 - 6/10 CONWAY REEF??; 3D2C OC-112
by YT1AD, K3LP and friends.
The team is considering going to Rotuma instead. They already have
the callsign 3D2R and are working on getting a landing permit. The
Web page is up and running (some parts still under construction)
at http://www.yt1ad.info/3d2c/index.html
by HA5AO and HA5UK from
FIJI (requested call 3D2UK),
TUVALU (requested call T2HA),
WESTERN KIRIBATI (requested call T30HA) and possibly
BANABA (requested call T33HA).
They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY with two stations on 160-10
metres. QSL via HA5AO, direct or bureau, and LoTW. More details
are expected in due course. A log search will be available at
15/10 - 15/11 ROTUMA; 3D2P or 3D20R
A team of 'PACIFIC DXERS', have 'ALL PERMITS' in place and are
planning to sail for Rotuma early October 2011 and operate for 3
weeks. The team so far consists of: Eddie/3D2A/VK4AN, Rocky/3D2DD,
Bill 3D2(?)/VK4FW...others are pending. Most of the 3D2A equipment
is in Fiji already. We are seeking expressions of interest from
experienced CW/SSB/Digital mode operators and possibly a 6m
enthusiast. A 6m beacon will be established on 50.095 MHz. Rigs so
far include K3, Flex5000A, Emtron DX1b amp, FT-900, Spiderbeam,
wire antennas, DX88 vertical. This will be the anniversary of the
FIRST operation from Rotuma by 3D2A/VK4AN...original license was
3D2XX/rotuma in 1988. The callsign has not been issued yet, but we
expect to be issued with either 3D2P or 3D20R.
24/10 - 1/11 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON; FP/KV1J NA-032
from the Island of Miquelon ((NA-032, DIFO FP-002 WLOTA 1417, Grid
GN17). Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK31 (but primarily SSB and RTTY). He will generally be on the
highest frequency band that is open, and he may try 6 meters if
there is an indications of openings. Also, look for him on the AO-
51 satellite (and other FM birds), weather permitting and if in
the 2M/70cm mode. He will also be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 29-30th). QSL via KV1J, direct or by the Bureau and also
LoTW. For more details and update, check out his Web page at
26/10 - 9/11 St. MAARTEN; PJ7X, PJ7J and PJ7NK
by DJ8NK, F6EXV, JA1BK and K2WR including a Multi-2 entry in the
CQ WW DX SSB Contest. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-10
metres, with two stations and possibly a third one during peak
periods. Their primary callsign will be PJ7X (QSL via F6EXV);
other callsigns will be PJ7NK (to be used on digital modes, QSL
via DJ8NK) and PJ7J (to be used on 80 metres, QSL via JA1BK). All
logs will be uploaded to LoTW a few months after completion of the
operation. The website for the operation can be found at
13/11 - 5/12 NAURU; C21A
Operations will be led by VK4FW, with liaison support by VK4AN.
They expect to have 6 operators and 3 stations active on all bands
160-6 meters using CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. They will also participate
in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a M/M or M/2 entry. QSLing will be
handled by the Pacific DXers, or by the Bureau via VK4FW. For more
details and updates, watch the C21AA Web page at http://pacific-
CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.
SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.
The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!
IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!
SM3CVM 2011-May 19
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