TopBand: Stew Perry Contest Observations
Bill Hohnstein
Mon, 29 Dec 1997 23:37:29 -0800
Preparing a reply to a message about the SP contest that I received
made me think that others might be interested in a little more
detailed report on my contest operation from Nebraska. Since most
of the time that I was on I was beaming towards Europe, I'll center
my comments more on European numbers & less frequently heard areas...
1348 Sunrise
1508 VY1JA Solid signal! JA's heard, but no QSO's.
2227 Just home from work--amp now warmed up
2228 G3KZR First QSO
2229 UA2FJ Good signal! (second QSO)
2254 4X4NJ 569
2300 11 EU/AS QSO's
2311 Sunset (More accurately determined than prior note)
2335 Started CQing
2342 RV1CC Good signal!
0000 20 more EU QSO's in past hour
0004 TF3KX
0007 US8ZAL
0012 LY3BA
0033 4N7ZZ
0100 Again 20 more EU QSO's in past hour
0142 RV1CC Vlad called me again due to excellent conditions (599)
0153 EV3PR 589 Signal
0200 18 more EU QSO's in past hour
0236 RA2FBC Started CQing 100 Hz off my freq. Used that as an excuse
to call him and take a break for supper.
0300 10 more EU QSO's in past hour
0313 RA4NW (Back to calling stations 0236 and after)
0332 Mini-nap
0400 5 more EU QSO's in past hour
0403 Back to CQing (first post nap QSO)
0500 6 more EU QSO's in past hour
0516 End of CQing
0539 15 minute mini-break
0600 7 more EU QSO's in past hour
06XX 2 mini-breaks
0700 8 more EU QSO's in past hour
0700 Back to CQing
0750 End of CQing
0800 13 more EU QSO's in past hour
0802 SM2EKM
0804 F6FGZ (last EU QSO)
0805 QRT (+2)
1349 Sunrise
1423 KH8/N5OLS Saw few mentions of this station worked
1426 CQ JA started (One JA answered)
1444 Started calling JA's who CQ'ed (no QSO's)
1500 JA7NI Still with his usual good signal being received
1500+ See past note
That totaled 120 EU/WestAS QSO's (two of which were dupes) [A little
more detailed counting this time]. A few of these type reports might
be nice, a few too many would get tedious and tax the $/byte people.
Let me know direct if this information is felt excessive.
73, Bill K0HA
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