Topband: Finding power line noise
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 17:21:59 -0500
What you suggest / recommend could very easily cause a person to get
or seriously hurt.
If indeed current was flowing down the pole (I have never seen this in
the field in 33 years), along the outside surface of a pole, there is
also a potential difference from the pole to the person wrapping his arms
and a
current sensor around the pole. This could be any voltage up to and
including phase
voltages of up to 25kv or higher. In addition, please keep in mind, a
power pole is private property and not yours to play with. The best way to
detect RF problems with power poles is to use a vhf AM receiver connected to
mobile antenna while driving around the neighborhood. This method has
worked for me. The reason for using a VHF AM receiver, is because the RF
is so broad banded and of such strength to basically make any other low
receiver (such as an AM broadcast receiver) unusable for this purpose
thereby making
it very difficult to pinpoint the source of the interference.
In closing, power poles are nothing to fool with. If you suspect a problem
with the
pole, the insulators, the transformer etc. CALL THE UTILITY.
Power Generation and Distribution Engineer