Topband: EUCW 160m CW Contest - This Weekend
Fri, 04 Jan 2002 21:12:59 +0000
Hello to everyone on the reflector and Happy New Year,
Rather short notice, but below is an extract from Don's G3XTT HF News column
from the RSGB Radcom relating to this weekend little known about Top Band
Contest. The Permitted times of operating are interesting:
"To promote an increase in 160m activity the Union Francaise des
Telegraphistes has proposed a joint topband contest. The first of these will
take place this month. The date will normally be the first weekend of
January each year except when 1st January falls over a Saturday or Sunday.
In such a case the second weekend will be chosen.
This year's times and dates will be: Saturday 5th from 2000-2300 and Sunday
6th from 0400-0700. Use 1810 to 1840 KHz, CW Only.
Members of clubs affiliated to EUCW send RST/Name/Club/Membership Number,
while others send
RST/Name/NM (For non-member).
Affiliated clubs include FISTS, FOC, G-QRP and many others."
Hope to see a little activity on the band despite this last few days poor
condx. I missed out on the Stew Perry as I was away last weekend so I'll
take a look around in this one I think.
73 Phil Catterall
PS Don didn't include details of where logs should be sent - I suppose this
can be found on the internet.