Topband: W1AW

Tom Rauch w8ji at
Tue Feb 7 08:47:33 EST 2006

> Fat chance tho - I had discussed with a ARRL director 160
issues  including
> this one (which effects me a great deal) and he has always
indicated  hostility
> to 160 because of "the ill treatment I can always count on
from the  160
> crowd" apparently from bandplanning discussions. He also
added recently he  was
> given rude treatment on air when he transgressed the DX

Oh, I see.

1.) A director gets flack because they do nothing about a
narrow mode segment and the problems the lack of a narrow
mode segment causes. They know bandplans work, so they can't
understand the need for a rule.

2.) The same director then violates a bandplan or
Gentleman's agreement, and gets flack for doing that.

3.) Because he gets flack for not having a narrow mode
segment when he knows everyone follows bandplans, and then
worse yet he gets flack for violating an informal agreement
and being yelled at for doing it, the proper course is for
him to blame the people trying to use the band that doesn't
have segments because the ARRL doesn't want us to have

Did I follow that correctly? Or did I miss something?
Who was that director?

73 Tom

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