Topband: 160-Meter Propagation Mysteries

EP Swynar gswynar at
Sat Nov 10 10:10:34 EST 2007

Good Day All,

Last night was a stellar one in terms of workable DX on Top Band...!

But what always absolutely & positively floors me each & every time, though, is how it's sometimes nearly impossible to work some of the especially strong signals across the pond --- and yet, how easy it is to work the really weak ones...

Several times I worked an honest-to-goodness 599 European, and got only a 559 in return --- and then a few minutes later, I'd be stunned to work a 459 Eu on the first call, & get a 579 in return...!

Only on propagation, or just my luck...?!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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