Topband: H44MY

Jim Simon jhsimon at
Sat Nov 22 13:34:00 EST 2008

Has anyone in North America heard or worked H44MY on 160 yet?

Conditions on Top Band here on the West Coast were great last night 
(wall-to-wall EU: it sounded like 20 meters), and again this morning (very 
loud JA's, RZ0AF, UA0ANW, UA0YAY, etc., etc.), so I thought H44MY would be 
an easy one. To my surprise, I never heard even the slightest peep from 
H44MY, though I heard many loud JA's calling him on the QSX frequency. Any 
input on what H44MY is using for an antenna, and how long they will be 

Thanks es 73,
Jim  W1YY/7

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