Topband: CQ 160 weird ideas

GEORGE WALLNER gwallner at
Fri Jan 16 09:17:26 EST 2009

On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 19:57:13 -0800
  Tree <tree at> wrote:

> I am thinking of perhaps trying to work some of the 
>contest in SPLIT mode.
> Perhaps I can transmit up near 1900 kHz - away from QRM 
>and listen somewhere
> in the 1810-1850 kHz "window".


Nothing weird about it! Years ago, when JA-s had to be 
worked split (you had to listen around 1910), I could 
easily work 10 to 20 JA-s in a contest. Now that they are 
mixed-in with everybody else, I am lucky to be able to 
work 5 (from FL)! Operating split would work if many 
stations did it and it was common knowledge. The key 
challange, however, will be keeping the RX window open.

Another thought: start working split for regular QSO-s. It 
may be cumbersome at the beginning, but perhaps the idea 
will take-off and operators get used to it over time. 
Perhaps we should set up some tests.

Lets see what the Europeans say about this.



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