Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 82, Issue 37 K4M on 160m

n4is n4is at
Wed Oct 21 03:46:05 PDT 2009

>>I think most of our overseas friends on 160m are missing the

John you are 100% right, the point is clear, most Dx expeditions is ignoring
openings and best practices in return of high number of QSO's. It is an
issue both way, east or west, and it is getting worst, no going in the right

We can do better then this. Why not adopt the practice of EU up 2 and non EU
down 2, or vice versa. It is not that difficult to get organized again as we
used to be.

I share same frustration here not working several new ones on top band due
wall's ignoring band conditions for rare openings on TB.

My two cents.


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