Topband: Antenna Modeling

Edward Swynar gswynar at
Thu Mar 4 11:14:24 PST 2010

Hi All,

Well, no doubt about, judging from the bulk of the feedback received here
re. any possible "...newbie friendliness" of the "4nec2" antenna modeling
programme, I would, indeed, sustain far & away better luck measuring &
erecting that proverbial dipole at midnight here in the midst of a southern
Ontario winter blizzard...!

Why is there apparently always such "black magic" surounding this sorta
stuff...? No wonder there seem to be two camps anymore in the matter of
antenna articles in the popular Ham literature, i.e. the pro-modeling crowd,
& the "...olde-fashioned" ones...

Guess which one I seem to be condemned to retaining a lifelong membership
to---but not necessarily by choice alone, Hi Hi.

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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