Topband: QSL or CFM or R?

Steven Raas sjraas at
Tue Dec 13 11:44:41 PST 2011

I personally use 'R', 'RR' or 'RRR' if sigs are low. I also use TU If sigs
are VRY GOOD, depends on condx, when in S&P. If im running a QRG I use 'TU'
when sigs are good and R, RR or RRR when sigs are not so good then my
( When I hear some one send R or RR or RRR to me after i send them
information weather its my call or my exchange and not 'TU', that is a *
CLEAR* indication to me, as an operator, that they dont hear me well.. so I
may willfully repeat info to assist them if the time is applicable , so
they may not have to ask for a repeat, saving time / adding efficency)

- If I need a info again I *DO NOT* send my exchange until im 95% clear on

- When I hear ANY other 3 letter variant when in a qso.. my brain thinks
that possibly their trying to send me just their suffix.. and if there is
QSB or low sigs.. its VERY FRUSTRATING.

- When asking for a fill PSE PSE ( pet peeve of mine )  Dont send ur
requested info such as your call  like this  - '*N2JDQ N2JDQ JDQ JDQ*'
 or *'N2JDQ
N2JDQ ( slow speed down alot ) N2JDQ N2JDQ*'   .. when the brain is trying
to compensate for QSB, static, qrm, ect  .. you MUST keep EVERYTHING
as consistent as possible.. once you begin calling someone.. unless asked
to QRS,,,I think the majority would prefer that you keep the same speed .
 Adding variables is pointless, a waste of time, and un efficient.  I see
this habit a lot. If others don't agree with this that's very FB.. I'll
never mention it again..but I don't think any one can argue the common
sense of it.

-For instance if I get a partial call.. and I Think I heard 'W0' .. and I
send 'W0 W0 W0?'  Sending your 2 or 3 letter suffix is FB i get that...Ive
had this happen before on many ocasions.

However Ive also had this happen.. Ill use the W0 as an example.. I send
'W0 W0 W0?'  And I get 'AAA AAA AAA'..good deal right? So I send RRR W0AAA
TU or just "exchange" And then they send N2JDQ *K*0AAA K0AAA K0AAA TU
'Exchange'.. and im left going whaaa?  So I send 'CALL CALL K0AAA?' or some
variant..and their either gone or discouraged or I get them seinding their
prefix now K0 K0 K0 K0.  I think most of us have had this
or similar happen. Its not efficient.

#1 Issue with this.. it IS possible I heard a W0 and now a K0 is peaking
up.. answering a call for SOMEONE else.
#2 Its VERY possible I copied wrong, If i Send W0 W0 W0?  go into RX and
wait 6 or so seconds.. and hear absolulty nothing.. in a CONTEST
situation.. the next thing i send is QRZ QRZ DE N2JDQ.. so whoever WAS
calling me knows im off of my W0 mindset. Why dont I send the 'cq test'...
because I want to know who was calling Initially, and I respect their time
in trying to work me, and dont want a 'new'..possibly louder station to
answer my CQ @ that time.

-If for instance I send 'K0AAA TU (EXCHANGE) K'  and I hear ' AT AT AT ' in
reply my initial thought is that oops his/her call is K0AAT..but here
is where you can get bit its happened to me.. in actuality their call is
K0AT, in this instance where a letter has been added to your call.. sending
the last two will mess things up.. because the recieving station thinks he
is in qso with a 1x3 call , OBVIOUSLY by the call he replied with.. what I
do, when this happens to me is either A) send full call again multiple
times.. or 2) Just the suffix again multiple this case AT is his
full suffix.. I would recommend a multiple, full call repeat with NO CODE
speed variation ..think about it,, if u send K0AT K0AT @ 22 wpm then slow
down to 15wpm and send K0AT K0AT in the same transsmition @ that lower
speed.. the receiving station is going to think he is missing a letter due
to the time difference.

At the end of the day your mileage may vary...just some 'hopefully' useful
bits of information from a nobody.

-Steve Raas

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 1:24 PM, bob finger <finger at> wrote:

> Bill you nailed it.  You must get a confirmation of some type.  I
> personally prefer to send GL on cw or "good luck" on the rare times I'm
> on ssb.  73 works too.  CFM seems popular in EU.  If I call you and you
> don't confirm my exchange then you won't be in my log and it will cost
> you points.  I can hit delete just as fast as I can hit "enter".  If
> more of us do this, the habit of guys not confirming will gradually
> diminish, assuming they care.  73 bob de w9ge
> Cqtestk4xs at wrote:
> >
> >...and that's how you get a NIL.
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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