Topband: ARRL 160 meter Contest Redux

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at
Tue Dec 13 14:34:09 PST 2011

  GE Herb,

  As much as I *DO* sympathize with your situation, I must tell you, that 
you are not alone.

  For some contests I am in "MAR" and some contests I am in "NB" (I would 
prefer to always be in NB, as that's where I am....I am not really in some 
ficticous area the ARRL has deemed as "MAR" )(NB, NS & PEI and sometimes 

  Then, there are other contests, that yes, I am indeed in "NB" (like 
ARRL-10m) yet all the results and records are grouped into MAR......look it 
up if there are any doubting Thomas' among us.

  That's like saying that AA3B won for PA, but all the results get lumped 
into all areas of W3 and we'll call it "Dubya 3" and only NY3A gets listed 
as a winner, but nobody from DE, MD, etc. gets listed.  Totally 

  There are no other US States, that I can think of, off the top of my head, 
that get lumped into other States, and made an "area"........sometimes there 
are very very few hams on in any contest (insert your favorite contest here) 
from certain States, (where was Delaware this weekend in the ARRL-10?) but 
you'll always find a handful of VE1's, VE9's, VY2's and VO1's.....I am sure 
you all recognize VE1OP, VE1DX, VE1YX, VE1RGB, VE9DX, VE9AA, VE9HF, VE9ML, 
VY2SS, VY2TT, VY2ZM, VO1TA, VO1MP, VO1HP, name but a 
few.....heck, excluding VO1's, we have 45 members+ in the Maritime Contest 
Club alone, and this does not even consider the guys that contest, but are 
not members of the club.  I think I have made my point.....

  It's not fair, but it falls on deaf ears.

  Mike VE9AA.........this weekend I am in a MAIDENHEAD gridsquare !  Yeeha ! 
Suddenly , a level playing field.
  Thank you Stew !

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Herb Schoenbohm
  To: Topband
  Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:26 PM
  Subject: Topband: ARRL 160 meter Contest Redux

  Tree, I don't mean to toss another grenade in the room but......I have
  sent e mails to every CAC member  about the problems many have with the
  structure of 160 meter DX Contest.  Only one member of the CAC gave me
  the courtesy of a reply which basically said that the CAC no longer
  calls the shots but that a new group called the PSC is in charge to
  provide a layer of protection from any uncontrolled reaction by the CAC
  contrary  to the wishes of HQ. So what used to be a contest structure
  from the ground up has been reversed by executive fiat to come from the
  top down.

  Here is what I found out....  The PSC is supposed to "task" the CAC to
  look into certain things. It appears the CAC can not act by their own
  motion unless directed to do so.  The PSC is not made up of contestors
  or DX-ers but rather ARRL Division Directors and Staff. So why should I
  expect them to have any sensitivity to 160 meter operations and trying
  to have a fair and equitable contest their.

  My specific problem with the structure of the ARRL 160 contest is that
  US Territories are relegated to a second class status where we are not
  considered DX at all.  (For this contest KP2 is the same as location KP1
  and KP4 is the same location as KP5) Neither KP1 nor KP5 have an ARRL
  SCM or in fact neither have any population.  To argue they are not DX
  for this only this contest alone for some unexplained reason is twisted

  What is really strange is that the ARRL 10 meter Contest a week later  (
  a very popular event) counts US Territories, KH6 and KL7 as DX, as they
  should be.  What reasoning can support this inconsistency, i.e. the ARRL
  has deemed these DX entities as non-DX for the 160 meter DX contest and
  the opposite for the 10 meter contest.  Why?  The fact that nobody, I
  repeat nobody, in this organization (which I am a member of) can come up
  with an answer, or put it on the CAC agenda to fix is troubling. This
  augers to being an indefensible mistake or at least a arbitrary and
  capricious rule made by someone who was oblivious to the consequences. I
  have never been able to find out who exactly at HQ 20 years ago came up
  with this rule.

  All they need to do is allow the U.S. Territories, KH6 and  KL7 DX
  status. You know when you work them on 160 you have worked DX .The fact
  that the ARRL staff and PSC appear totally detached to low band DXing
  and Contesting and would even discuss the issue with you after a decade
  of begging for correction really make me wonder.

  Please help you fellow offshore topbanders and contact your favorite
  ARRL nabob as ask him about this. Thanks!


  Herb Schoenbohm
  UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK


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